Law firm best practice KPI-Matteroom releases KPI tailored to law firms

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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have always been an important indicator for measuring the performance management of individuals or organizations within an enterprise. Modern management partners, technology partners, and chief knowledge officers are finding useful data from existing information and turning it into a good basis for decision making to achieve optimal corporate value. However, the number of KPIs developed for law firms is not enough to emphasize the uniqueness of the law firm.
Matteroom is not only perfectly compatible with iManage, but also can quickly establish KPI index template for the data in iManage.And its powerful big data engine can be flexible access to any data source, for any case management system, document management system to provide a built-up KPI index template.
For example, Matteroom KPI can view iManage active user usage and view the low-usage user list in one click, so that you can understand the internal usage of the enterprise and provide useful reference indicators for improving iManage usage.
If you've been curious about the following information, just click on the Matteroom KPI dashboard and it's complete.
For example -
In addition to iManage's KPIs, Matteroom KPI also provides performance indicators for the following three directions. For example:
1. Client growth rate
2.Dormant client percentage
3.Number of matters per client
4. Growth in top clients
1. Revenue per square foot
2. Revenue per matter
3. Revenue per employee
1. Weekly customer/case timing total
2. Human resource utilization and availability
3. Average billing ratio
4. Project budget overrun warning
5. iManage Work KPI

Matteroom's flexible features enable access to a structured database or unstructured file server for plug-and play. This rapid application is the law firm's ability to fight, without the need for long-term deployment, to fully present business insights such as cases and user performance.

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About Matteroom
Matteroom is a case management solution tailored to the law firm. Developed by Smart Team Global (STG) for attorneys and legal partners to strengthen the management of legal practices to maximize the efficiency of law firms. All information in Matteroom is case-centric, including credit search, case management, project management, billing management, timelines and fees, KPIs, and more. All functions can be tapped from any device and anywhere. Matteroom provides customers with compelling value propositions and comprehensive, customizable features for every need. Matteroom connects to industry-leading systems including iManage, Workshare, Sharepoint, OneDrive, and O365.
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Smart Team Global
+86 21 6155 9893

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